How Much Does a 60 x 100 Metal Building Cost?

If you are looking for an affordable, aesthetic, and custom structure that will stand the test of time then look no further than pre-engineered metal buildings. With a generous 6,000 square feet of available space, your 60’ x 100’ metal building can be designed as any of the following:

  • Office or Retail Spaces
  • Warehouses
  • Manufacturing Facilities
  • Full-Sized Basketball Courts
  • Studios or Workshops
  • And Much More!

Metal building engineers design for both safety and cost-efficiency. In fact, assuming erection in a non-snow area with low windspeeds, your 60’ x 100’ building would cost between $11.46 and $12.40 per square foot! That translates to between $68,800.00 and $74,400.00 before shipping! This price may vary depending on local code requirements or any special design elements.  

(*Due to unforeseen economic changes beyond our control; prices and availability are subject to change.)

60x200 Metal Building

Made-To-Order: Accessories

Depending on the end use of your building, there are a variety of accessories and design solutions available to you. A manufacturing facility or auto-repair shop, for example, may need to be designed with the use of cranes in mind; a hangar building will be specially engineered to accommodate the mechanics of the hangar door; or you could simply need a combination of overhead doors, entry doors, and windows. Your metal building representative will be available to answer any questions and help you make the appropriate selections.

If your local building department requires an architectural finish that standard metal panels cannot provide, then you may consider using insulated metal panels instead. These panels are made up of foam cores sandwiched by steel panels, and come in a variety of profiles and finishes – including stucco and embossed. As an added bonus, they provide very high thermal values compared to other systems.

Metal Building Overhead Door
Steel Building Insulation Kit

Insulation Savings

Fiberglass blanket insulation is one accessory that is universally recommended. Not only will it help you meet your local energy requirements, but it will save you hundreds to thousands of dollars over the lifetime of your pre-engineered metal building.

Commercial blanket insulation is available with either white or black facing, and comes in a variety of thicknesses and thermal values. 4” R-13, for example, is the popular standard due to its value and ease of installation between the framing and sheeting of your building. For only $5,990.00 to $6,440.00, plus shipping, you would be able to insulate the roof and walls of your 60’ x 100’ metal building.

A higher thermal value can be achieved by adding a second layer of insulation to your roof. Upgrade your 4” R-13 package to include a double-layer R-30 roof system for an additional $4,960.00! This includes the necessary steel banding and tape.

Insulation Metal Buildings
Metal Building Windows

Standing Seam Roof Option

Metal buildings are designed with a certain amount of movement in mind. This includes the standard side sway that all buildings experience, but with metal sheeting there is also expansion and contraction due to temperature changes. In metal buildings that are 60’ wide or wider, this movement will place some stress on the fasteners of a standard screw down roof.

Standing seam roofs, on the other hand, place the sheeting on top of sliding clips that move with the expansion and contraction of the roof. This removes the stress placed on your fasteners and helps ensures your building will remain weather tight for decades! Pricing varies based on location, so please contact your metal building representative if you would like to learn more about standing seam roofs.

Interested in a pre-engineered metal building and/or accessories? Get your customized quote here.

60×100 Metal Building Price Quote

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